Product Description Guidelines


Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

Your product’s long description is where you can reiterate why your product is worth purchasing. Most customers will look at your product description if they are considering a purchase; so, be sure to give as much detail as possible while following our guidelines and restrictions:

  1. Maximum 4,000 characters
  2. All claims must be 100% factual
  3. Include information about the brand, company, or manufacturer
  4. Write in a conversational manner that’s easy to understand
  5. Write in the second person (“you”)
  6. Highlight the top benefits of the product and information like size, shape, color, and other notable features; do not simply list out features
  7. Always write in the second or third person
  8. Description for bundles should give information about all products and accessories, along with dimensions of the box
  9. Description for multipacks should include information about lot size
  10. Do not include personal opinions, comparisons, or negative comments
  11. Do not use time-sensitive adjectives like “next generation” or “new”
  12. Do not embed pictures
  13. Do not mention a competitor’s marketplace
  14. Same exclusion as Product Short Description Guidelines

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